Camille Desroches
Light Connections Therapist
Camille holds a B.S. in Psychology and is also Light Connections Therapy Certified Levels 1-4 with The Intuitive Living Institute. She has a passion for wellness and holistic living and is excited about sharing this passion with others to enhance their lives. Light Connections has become an integral part of everyday life for Camille as she truly embodies what it means to "live intuitively."
"I add intuitive living and light connections to every aspect of my life. Starting with a morning walk on the beach connecting to the beautiful nature of the beach, cleansing, and balancing, and opening myself to higher connections throughout the day. I am always open to receiving what is needed at that moment. It has helped me see things from a whole different perspective. Everything we face in life can be seen as an opportunity for our highest good."
Camille has two four-legged best friends (and beach walking companions) who have shown her what truly loving unconditionally means. These genuine relationships have greatly inspired her journey with self-love. As a result, she now guides others on this journey to self-love.
Clients say Camille has a peaceful, relaxed, calming presence that instantly puts them at ease and opens them to a state of connection. They understand and resonate with her words and are receptive to energy as she can instantly put them at ease with her presence.
As a "Light" coach and a Light Connections Therapist Camille can help with:
Life Balance - she can help you feel calm, centered, and grounded in your day-to-day life.
Personal Power - if you are struggling with stressful situations and stories in your mind that you feel are holding you back from your authentic self and sense of freedom, she can help establish the connections to bring peace back to your heart and soul.
386 237 1674